Where is 818 Area Code?

You want to know about the 818 area code which region number. Here 818 is a local phone number code in California (CA), USA. It is used as a prefix for registered mobile numbers in a specific geographic area.

Area Code 818

Area code 818 is located in California. It covers the San Fernando Valley region, a suburban area in Los Angeles County. This area code includes cities such as Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando, North Hollywood, Van Nuys, Encino and Calabasas.

An area code is a three-digit number that designates a specific geographic region within a country for telephone services. It is part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) and precedes a local telephone number. Area code 818 was established in 1984.

818 area code location is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT), USA. Their standard time is UTC -8 hours.